Probably the greatest draw from this CUE Learning Tour we were honored to attend was that the Common Core standards are not going to be much of a paradigm shift for those of us who are integrating technology into our project-based classrooms already. Essentially, there are products that students will need to create throughout the CCSS... Isn't that what an iPad does? The CS Core app does a great job of laying things out for those of us who live in Calfornia, but you can also download other Common Core apps for your state.
Presentations, recordings, transcripts, depictions, analyzations, charts and graphs, and so many other dynamics of education will be called to the front line of assessment and we as proactive educators need to be on the front lines. Our students are waiting for the day that they walk into a school and don't have to sit down for 90% of the day, listening for 70% of the class period. They are hungry for change in the way that we, the adults, prepare them for the next level. It may or may not be an iPad. It may or may not be a laptop. Fortunately for our students, there is something out there, either large or small, that is powerful enough to keep them motivated and active throughout the day that allows them to demonstrate their true level of understanding by creating an artifact rather than filling in a bubble.
Unfortunately, there is no app that will help you fill in a bubble (yet). We can only hope that it stays that way.\
By: John Stevens
[email protected]