iPad Apps According to Bloom's Taxonomy
This is a collection of what we call our "Big 5". These five apps are essential for any classroom and can be used at any level of Bloom's Taxonomy. Click or tap on the name of an app to see multiple lesson ideas for every level of Bloom's, video tutorials, samples of student work, and more...
Creative Book Builder

Creative Book Builder is a fantastic app that allows students to create and publish books in epub format, which can be exported to iBooks. Not only are students able to write text for their books, they can also embed videos, record audio samples, and include relevant images. Books can be short and sweet or multi-chapter long term projects. Use this app as a summative assessment, a component of project-based learning, or as part of the instructional process.
Comic Life

Comic Life is an incredible app that allows the students to create a comic book about anything. There are templates available for your students to build off of or a blank canvas for them to build from the ground up. Your students can take pictures of real-life scenarios, create word problems, and so many more incredible things. Use this as an assessment tool or more... Just give it to your students and let them run with it!

Pages is a prodigious app that will enable an individual to create expository, narrative and persuasive essays. Additionally this app will allow ELL students to imbed video of them speaking and writing the sentence below the actual video. Students can practice interpreting pictures using complex sentences and using diagrams to define and describe metaphors and similes. Pages is also a great app to input charts and tables of data, write a summary analyzing the data and conclude with a quick write or summary of the data.

Educreations is an exciting app that transforms your iPad into a recordable whiteboard. It records your voice, handwriting and also allows you to insert pictures to produce your own personal video lessons that you and your students can share online. It is easy to use, so it makes a great tool for assessing student knowledge. Your lessons are stored on line and can be accessed by students on any computer or iPad.

iMovie is a dynamic app that enables you and your students to create digital movies that can inform, explain, teach, persuade, and/or entertain. You and your students can create compelling projects that combine digital video, photos, music, text and voice narration. Your students can create high-quality video reports to explain abstract concepts, or documentaries to increase the relevance of social issues. You can create lesson videos and tutorials that students could access 24/7 or share best classroom practices with your peers. With the power of iMovie, students can create stories that come alive!