So, today, when one of my girls said, “Hey, Mrs. Pack. Are you sure this is ELA, or did you just decide we could take some time off?” I almost burst out laughing, thinking she was being sarcastic. However, when I realized that this twelve year old was entirely serious, as evidenced by her truly bewildered expression, I decided to lay my best possible answer on her: “Well. Learning is supposed to be fun, right? This must be ELA, then.”
What was her reply? A hug.
You might be wondering what the heck we did in Language Arts this week that would elicit such a grateful response…
Answer: We made movies.

First, I divided students into groups by drawing names out of a hat and had each group choose their favorite short story. Then, everyone worked together to choose the most appropriate trailer template for their project; this led to a very cool, totally organic discussion about how the preset iMovie music and graphics in the trailers communicate a certain mood and tone. Students were very successful in making appropriate choices, all of which resulted from fantastic group conversations.
To finish out this blog post, I thought I’d share a few student products: