Google Hangouts - Free
Google Hangouts has been a very helpful tool for our team of educators and there is a place for this app in classroom. Currently we use this app to have team meetings. We can talk about what needs to get done and we can do it from the comfort of our home or car (when necessary). You use google hangout wherever there is a wifi connection. Google has created an app for all platforms although some platforms have limitations.
I can also see this app as a replacement for office hours. A student can always come into your classroom after school and lunch but what if your student wanted help while they were actually doing their homework? Obviously there needs to be some logistical things that need to happen before you start hosting office hours from home but how cool is that? Another great example of how to use GHO is to host a competition between your class and a rival school or visit someone from across the world. Check out how we had our competition here.
Android app
iPad app
Check out how simple and powerful GHO can be.
I can also see this app as a replacement for office hours. A student can always come into your classroom after school and lunch but what if your student wanted help while they were actually doing their homework? Obviously there needs to be some logistical things that need to happen before you start hosting office hours from home but how cool is that? Another great example of how to use GHO is to host a competition between your class and a rival school or visit someone from across the world. Check out how we had our competition here.
Android app
iPad app
Check out how simple and powerful GHO can be.